Hillel UGA

Project details

UGA (University of Georgia) Hillel is the focal point for more than 1,500 Jewish undergraduate students. Hillel's mission is the provide a home away from home for these students. They embarked on a capital campaign to raise money for a new state-of-the-art facility.

Creative process

To increase awareness of the new facility and boost donations, we developed a content strategy centered on the "more like home" theme. Using email, social media, and text messages, we communicated how donations would create a welcoming environment fostering lifelong friendships and providing essential services like weekly Shabbat dinners for over 40 students. The campaign tagline, "More community. More experiences. More like home," encapsulated the desired message.

Social Posts

Text Messages

Email Messages

Email #1 copy
Email #2 copy
Email #3 copy

Results: The campaign reached more than 80% of its $8 million campaign goal.